Thursday, November 11, 2010

car worship

Am I the only one that does this?

Ok, so your driving in your car. You have some worship music on or some kind of Christian music playing.

Your singing along, feeling really spiritual.

And then someone cuts you off, or breaks out of no where.

And then you hear yourself say, "YOU IDIOT!" right in the middle of your sing along

It might be a little like this: "All of my life, in every season, you are still God, I have a reason to sing, YOU IDIOT!!, I have a reason to worship."

Is it just me? Really?

That happened to me today.

I just had to laugh to myself. I can't even worship right in the car, I'm so depraved.

I'm so thankful I'm saved by grace through faith and not by how well I car worship...


  1. LOLOL!! I totally understand this, and have BEEN THERE! (....unfortunately!) How gracious God is to us ever-changing people!

  2. Lol no!! I do this ALL the time! Sadly, I'm glad that I'm not the only heathen around.
